Climate Talks in Lima

Data / date: 09/12/14 Sem comentarios / No Comments

The city of Lima in Peru hosts  the  UN “Conference of Parties”, from  December 1 to 12.  This conference is part of the agreement signed by the Kyoto Protocol. It is time to talk and prepare an effective agreement to reduce greenhouse gases and climate changes consequences.

“Senior officials from the host, Peru, and biggest regional emitter, Brazil, told the Guardian they aimed to help negotiators draw up a draft agreement specifying measures to prevent global warming reaching catastrophic levels.”

The agreement must be finalized and signed at the Paris Conference in 2015. It will  be legally binding   and will be applied to all countries that have signed it.

It is important that all countries understand that this is a problem that must be solved with a global commitement. No one can be left out!

Source: The Guardian, December 9 2015.
