What’s eutrophication?

Data / date: 19/06/12 Sem comentarios / No Comments

The word  has its origin in the Greek language and means “good nutrition. It could be a good thing, but it is not. Eutrophication occurs when there is an excess of nutrients (chemical compounds with phosphorus or nitrogen) in the aquatic environment and causes the appearance of excessive number of algae.

This increase in water organic matter  prevents entry of light and causes the decrease of oxygen in water and decomposition of the organisms. Water quality declines and ecosystem change occurs with the death of fish and other organisms. The water becomes polluted!

This event can happens by natural cause like accumulation of rain sediments,  but usually is caused by humans. Human activities causing eutrophication are:

  • untreated domestic waste (sewage),
  • agricultural fertilizers
  • industrial effluents, detergents etc..

(Brazil )Source: Wikipedia, InfoEscola