What is a biome?

Data / date: 06/03/12 Sem comentarios / No Comments

The word biome is formed from two Greek words: bios = life and oma = group or mass. The biome as a biological unit which is a type of vegetation, climate, soil and altitude of that specific place.

The word was first used with this meaning  by the American ecologist Clements in 1916. He said the definition for biome would be, ”a larger region, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms in this environment.”

The biomes can be divided into two major types: water and land and can be of  5 major types.





5. Grasslands

If you fly over a region, you can notice the difference between a tropical forest biome with tall trees and their tops together and a savanna biome, with wide spaced trees and undergrowth. The Amazon forest is an example of a biome.

Biomes are different from ecosystems.