55th Anniversary Brazilian Arbor Day

Data / date: 19/09/10 Sem comentarios / No Comments

21st September is the 55th official Brazilian Arbor Day Anniversary. A day to show respect and care for Nature. The date was chosen because is the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere.  Today we know that we can not live without the trees They are responsible for CO2 carbon sequester produced by industrialized modern society.

The first inhabitants of Brazil, the Indians,  had also a great respect for trees as representatives of our natural wealth. It was around spring time that they began planting cultivated species. The respect for trees and nature was transmitted to us and in 1902 Brazilians had the  Festival of the Tree in Araras, São Paulo.

According to the Arbor Day Foundation, other countries celebrate the Day of the Tree:

Africa: South Africa, Namibia, Malta (Mediterranean Africa), Togo, Tunisia.
North America: Canada, United States.
Central America: Barbados, Virgin Islands, Mexico, Puerto Rico.
Asia: China, South Korea, Jordan, Yemen, Japan, Philippines.
Europe: Bulgaria, Scotland, UK, Spain, Holland, Ireland.
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Mariana Islands.

Brazil is rich in tree species. To see some of them, visit the portal “Day Tree”:


Our favorite tree: Jequitibá, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden.