The newspaper you can plant

Data / date: 28/03/17 Sem comentarios / No Comments

image LifeGate

One of Japan’s most famous newspapers is 100% sustainable. If you plant it, it will bloom.
Japan is always making progress towards sustainable development. A recent initiative is the newspaper made with recycled and vegetable paper. You can plant it after reading. It’s called Green Newspaper and was invented by the publisher of the famous newspaper The Mainici Shimbusha.
You read the newspaper, cut it into small pieces, plant and water. Within a few weeks, you will be surprised by plants and flowers. The Mainichi has taken initiatives to protect the environment by campaigning for water donations to underserved populations.
The newspaper had a lot of success with a circulation of 4 million copies throughout the country. To reduce carbon emissions, we have to recycle everything and especially paper.
This is newspaper we feel like buying!
Source: LifeGate