Mexico 2010: Accomplish what we have started.

Data / date: 06/08/10 Sem comentarios / No Comments

Cancun, Mexico will host the next Conference on Climate Change. The developed and undeveloped nations must reach an agreement to cut 50% of the pollution of greenhouse gases.

On December 21, 2009, the president of the UN assembly in New York said: “everyone agrees that the UN should take the lead … and certainly there will be a meeting in Mexico. We will finish what we started in Copenhagen …”
The meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, did not reach its goal of making an agreement among all nations to solve the problem of global warming. The solution has been delayed. (and climate change disasters are becoming more frequent).

On the positive side, the meeting in Copenhagen urged developed countries to launch the first significant program of climate aid to poorer nations.

From November 29 to December 10 2010, there is a new chance to reach an agreement.

The youth group TUNZA Strategy – an initiative of the United Nations Program for Environment – has given an advice: “act more and talk less.”

Tunza means “cherish” in the African language Swahili. You have got the Mexico. See you in Cancun!